Saturday, May 23, 2015
What do you do when you realize that you and your partner are not exactly compatible? End it? Continue and both be miserable? Continue and one person be miserable and the other be blissfully unaware of how the other feels? Most people would say that the first choice is what should happen. But when you love someone that decision is extremely difficult to make. I have so much love and respect for my boyfriend. He tells me lots of things but never follows through with them (incompatibility #1). I am very much a woman of my word and if I tell you I am going to do something, well gosh darnit, I'm going to do it come hell or high water. It was ingrained in me as a poor child that we may not have money but at least we have our word. My boyfriend, on the other hand, grew up very privileged. Maybe he was never made to keep his word as a child. I am not sure but that is just my assumption. I am also an extremely attentive and affectionate person (incompatibility #2). My boyfriend is not. He shows his love and affection by cuddling every once in a while and cooking for me. Take it, he is an excellent chef and can cook amazing food, but that is not all I need. I need to know that I am the only one he thinks about and loves and wants in his life. And when we are apart I need to know that he misses me as much as I miss him. or hell even half as much as I miss him. He doesn't text me or call me or anything when we are apart but yet he can text his "friends" while I'm sitting on the couch begging for him to talk to me. I can't stand his friends. I don't know them but they are all female, therefore they are evil and manipulative and I know what their intentions are. He doesn't realize how much just one text here and there while we are apart can mean to me. To tell me how much he loves me or that he's thinking of me or something like that. This can fall under communication or attentiveness. Either one really. We usually talk out anything and fix anything with talking. Sometimes it does't exactly work like that. I love him so much and we have so much in common but I am afraid that the two major issues we face might be too much for us to overcome. I am hoping not but I am doubtful. He is starting to get mad at my insecurities instead of staying calm and asking me how he can make me feel more secure. He used to be understanding of my insecurities and caring about them and wanting to help me with them. *sigh* I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle with my depression, anxiety and insecurities. One of my friends said that they didn't know why I was so insecure. He says I have a lot to offer and a lot going for me in a relationship. I bend over backwards to make sure that the man that I love knows that he is loved and well taken care of. :) That's just how I am. But I am learning that not everyone is like that. But I am not having my needs met, which feeds a lot of my insecurities. So this is my dilemma tonight. To stay and keep my mouth shut even though we are not compatible or leave and be alone again.......probably for even longer this time. *sigh*
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- ~AltruisticGirl~
- Just writing to help my emotional health. I am a pretty private person most of the time.
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